YouTube: Super Bowl Ads Shown Before the Game Get 600% More Views
Is putting your Super Bowl ad on YouTube before the big game a good idea? It is if you want to get more views for your video. According to YouTube's research, ads that ran online before the Super Bowl last year got 9 million views, in average. Those that waited? 1.3 million.
The six-fold difference explains why there has been an onrush of 2013 Super Bowl videos on YouTube already. On Monday alone, Volkswagen, Audi, Century 21 and Axe dropped their Super Bowl spots on YouTube. According to YouTube, 34 of last year's ads were online before last year's game and 20 were withheld until broadcast. In 2011, about a dozen brands put their complete ads online, including VW, whose "The Force" ad b…
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More About: Advertising, Marketing, YouTube